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If you run a pub, bar or a restaurant and you want your guests to be able to enjoy the taste of unique niche beers, do not hesitate to contact us. We also run wholesale addressed to all restaurant businesses.
We provide our beer to the point of sale directly after bottling or kegging.
We provide our beer to the point of sale directly after bottling or kegging.
You are welcome to cooperation, we would be glad to provide
you with more detailed information:
you with more detailed information:
- Krzysztof majnusz
- 600 08 64 67
- krzysztof.majnusz@hotelsilvia.pl
How to store the Majer beer?
The beer must be stored in a cool place,
in a temperature up to 7 degrees C.
The beer must be stored in a cool place,
in a temperature up to 7 degrees C.
What is the best before date for the Majer beer?
Bottled beer has two weeks long shelf life, while open keg when kept in a cold room - 4 days. Closed keg kept in a cold room has a 4-week consumption date.
How is the beer delivered?
We dispatch smaller orders in cartons via courier service and greater ones with our own transport means.
- Mini Browar MajEr
- 44-100 gliwice
- studzienna 8
- restaurant : 32/ 747 77 77
- reservation : 32/ 747 77 77
- open:
- sun. -thu. 1100 - 0000
- fri - sat. 1100 - 100